Sunday, November 27, 2011

Easy Rider DVD Cover
This is the end product... notice any resemblance?

Easy Rider

This is a I did for GDS-108 Project 4.

This sketch is for a DVD cover. The film was produced in 1969, and therefore is not "50" years old yet... but I was thinking ahead.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Vivid Reflections

Vivid Reflections
Archan Nair
Computer Arts Nov-2010

I love the colors, what can I say. I also am challenged to try and find things in the image... shapes, objects and what have you... So far, I have found a parrot, a babies binky (pacifier), what might be a hair brush, a watch and balloons.

Am I just crazy ?

What can you see ?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our cat "Pepper Kitty"

Our cat "Pepper Kitty." He is all black and his eyes are bright green... except his Right eye, which sometimes turns half  Bright Blue and half Bright Green.

Our D.O.G. "Candy"

My wife's dog Candy - a.k.a. "Scruffy Dog."

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Images from homework #13 - Stock Images

This is simple beauty.

It represents everything that is bright, clean, and innocent. Pure freedom to relax having escaped the responsibilities of life.

Images from homework #13 - Stock Images

I like this image simply because it reminds me of what it used to be like to be young and free.

Images from homework #13 - Stock Images

Another wonderful image.

What can I say ? I love the female body... It is curvy and beautiful.

Images from homework #13 - Stock Images

This image reminds me of swimming.
Ya, I know. It's because there's a person swimming in the picture. It's more than that though... to me anyway. I love to be in the water. My friends used to say that I swam like a fish. I once tread water for 8 hours in a lake where the water was quite deep. Seeing this person diving reminds me of feeling the water hit my body, and the swoosh as I entered the water.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ficticious Map

Ride for Ron "re-visited"
This is my project 3 map.

The story behind the idea to make this map is that back in October of 2007, I hosted a benefit ride for Ron ( my old boss ). He had cancer at the time and was having a tough battle with it, and I wanted to do something to lift his spirits and show him that there are people that support him.

We actually rode most of this route all the way to and around Shades State Park and Turkey Run State Park. We did stop at the listed stops too, except Longview Tap ( not sure that this name is 100% correct either ). I had raised a lot of donations, and sold tickets for raffles which we held at several of the stops. All of the items that we were able to raffle off were donated by local business. There were shirts, motorcycle gloves, hats, and just tons of various stuff that people donated. There was even a brand new cycle helmet... a real nice one too.

All in all, it was a full day excursion (195 miles ), and we didn't get back until right at sunset. Everyone had a great time, and after the cost of the T-shirts that I sold ( 50+ @ $20 each ), I was able to present Ron with $1200.00 cash to help him with necessary expenses.

This map represents my idea of a second ride that I have thought about for several years now... Ride for Ron "re-visited." If I actually put it together, it will only be for fun this time... or maybe to raise $$$ for a great cause... like Cancer or something. It was fun putting this together, and none of those who attended will ever forget that day.